Thursday, July 25, 2013


am so excited!  Yesterday in the mail we received our advanced copy of the book "Stand Up - 75 Young Activist Who Rock the World and How You Can, Too!" Edited and Introduced by John Schlimm.  The book will officially be released on September 17, 2013.  Josh's story (told by Josh himself) and the story of The Joshua Project are featured on page 42 along with a great photo of the boy wonder!  We could not be more honored to have been chosen out of the hundreds of stories which were submitted for the book.  This book is such an important way to educate, inspire, empower and engage the young people in this world.  

At any time of the day we can be barraged by images and stories of death, destruction and injustice.  I don't know about you but I was so tired of feeling helpless, sad and scared and I certainly didn't want my children growing up feeling powerless.  Personally I believe that we all need to focus our energy finding the good things that are happening ( no, I don't mean watching cute puppy or baby videos on YouTube, although that can be entertaining).

The thing I try to teach my children is to never say "can't" and if you don't like something in the world, figure out a small way that you can make it better and then DO IT!  Don't let anyone tell you that your idea is silly or useless!  If I had listened to those people who said to me "don't bother Christie, you will never get a grocery store to put in braille!"  Or what if we had given up after the first store took the braille down?  When you find the thing that you truly believe in, GO FOR IT!
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.  ~Anne Frank

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